Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Art of Organic Education

Organic as defined by; developing in a manner analogous to the natural growth or evolution characteristic of living organisms; (and my favorite part) arising as a natural outgrowth.

Arising as a natural outgrowth. This definition sums up perfectly the reason we educate at home. Simply put it feels appropriate to the natural process of raising our child. Dropping off our little one at an institution for eight hours a day did not feel natural, nor an efficient use of the days time.

Over the past three years I have spent countless hours researching education philosophy and coming to the conclusion that there are nuggets of truth revolving in each of them. After testing many styles throughout the past two years, this year - our third year, I have adopted what I would consider a Charlotte Mason style for educating within our family. I am still growing and learning within the realm of her philosophy but it suffice to say this is the path we are now on.

There are many excellent online resources for Charlotte Mason education, encouragement and ideas. Here are two of my favorites!

Although I feel we are headed gently in this direction, there are still other resources we utilize from the classical, traditional, unit study, and unschooling traditions.

Up to this point I would consider our education style eclectic. In truth, a testing of what would work and what would not. What I've come to realize is that habits, and discipline in those habits is essential for education and more so it is essential for life.

Coming to these conclusions has happened through prayerful consideration of what God would have our family to do with education. It has been a natural progression without push, pull, or striving. The disciplines within our lives growing daily, organically and without pollutant.

I hope you'll join me in our gentle way of learning - The Art of Organic Education!


  1. Your schooling method is "eclectic"? Given what I know about you, why does this not surprise me?

    This is a lovely post and blog, Jennifer. I'm really glad you're doing this. I love the exploration of the word "organic." That is definitely how education should be!

  2. I feel everyone who knows me would agree with you!

    Thank you Susan! I agree - the word organic has been very apparent for several months now. It seemed fitting to include it here.

    Thank you for supporting me!
