Saturday, July 17, 2010

Summer Nature Study: Mosquito Study

We are participating in the Summer Nature Study; Using Your Senses: Nature Study at Sundown written by: Barbara McCoy.

Due to vacations, out of town business trips and overall summer fun our progress with the Summer Nature Study is slow, but steady. I find this approach to our studies for the summer is one that encourages a true sense to learn.

A fascination for mosquitoes has developed as we've grown to learn the complexities in how they breed and exist. After I was bitten by a mosquito on Wednesday evening it was with exuberance that my daughter exclaimed, "A female bit you, a female bit you."

Resources for this study include: The Handbook of Nature Study, Discover Nature at Sundown and Summer Nature Study .


  1. Thanks for stopping by our page - I do love the ease of the summer. I was writing more "report" style until the summer - and we threw in family fun and letting the boys have their weirdo voices, instead of my mom voice. I can't tell you how much more fun I've had letting them tell a story about our learning. :) Thanks for the encouragement!

  2. Nice! Did you do that mosquito portrait?

  3. We are having fun in our Nature Study Kim!

  4. You are welcome. My little one and I loved your video and pictures. It was great to see the little menaces up close like that. WONDERFUL! and thank you too.

  5. I did not Susan, That was a part of the study that Barbara McCoy wrote. I am learning a lot from her blog and resources!

  6. Jennifer,

    Great that your daughter connected the info with real life. I know you think you are slow and steady but that is a positive thing in my book...keep it up.

    Thanks for sharing your link,
