Friday, July 30, 2010

Summer Nature Study: Tree Observations; Crape Myrtle

The next part of our Summer Nature Study is to engage in tree observation.  We have chosen two trees.  The first is a Crape Myrtle located in our front yard.  Our first assignment was to learn and identify the parts of a tree.  The head/crown, the spray; consisting of twigs, leaves and fruit/berries, the branches which hold the spray, the trunk/bole, the base of the trunk and the roots.  Due to the mulch covering the base of the Crape Myrtle we did not see the roots of this tree.  We did see the roots of the Pin Oak we are also observing.  Those pictures will be in a later post.  For now, we have captured in photographs the parts of the Crape Myrtle.
Crape Myrtle Tree
The Crown! 
Spray of the Crape Myrtle
Branch holding the spray.
Trunk of the Crape Myrtle


  1. Great tree study. I as amazed at how little we use "real" terms of the objects we have been studying. So easy to learn and say the correct name. :) Thanks for stopping by our tree study as well!

  2. I agree. We love using the words; crown and spray to identify the different parts of the tree - I think the only way we described a tree before was, "Look at that tree."

  3. Words are such a gift to our children. It is natural an easy to start using the correct terms just like trunk and bark, now you know crown and spray. makes for more interesting nature journals and being about to compare trees once you get started.

    Great study and I personally love crepe myrtles...we just planted three more trying to make our yard more drought resistant.

    Thanks for your link,

  4. Hi Jennifer,

    What you need to do if you are using the OHC button in your entry is to go into the html and change the link to my blog address.

    If you are using the button in your sidebar, you can upload the image and then make a link back to my blog.

    If you need more help, you can email me.


  5. We are excited Barb; about venturing into more unchartered territory with our trees! It has become a quest.
